Diagnostic Imaging & Exams

Abdomen Complete | $285

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam includes imaging of all abdominal anatomy from the sternum to the umbilicus bilaterally. This exam is used to visualize the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, aorta, IVC, spleen, and bilateral kidneys.

Abdomen Limited/RUQ | $225

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam is limited to imaging of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, right kidney and associated blood vessels.

Abdominal Aorta (AAA) | $175

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This ultrasound exam is to evaluate the abdominal aorta.

This exam also evaluates the size of the aorta to screen for an aneurysm.

Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) (Peripheral Artery Disease) | $200

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is the ratio of the blood pressure at the ankle to the blood pressure in the upper arm (brachium).

This exam is helpful in determining peripheral artery disease (PAD).

Arterial Doppler | $270

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam evaluates the arterial blood system of a single extremity, upper or lower.

Bilateral Arterial Doppler | $330

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam evaluates the arterial blood system of both extremities, upper and lower.

Breast | $285

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam is limited to imaging of the axilla or breast if ordered by the physician.

Bilateral Breast | $335

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam is limited to imaging of the axilla, and bilateral breasts if ordered by the physician.

Carotid | $225

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam includes evaluation of the bilateral carotid arteries.

Complete Pelvic/GYN Ultrasound | $225

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This is a transabdominal ultrasound used to image the uterus, endometrium, bilateral ovaries and adnexal areas.

This exam is not to be used for pregnancy related needs.

Complete Pelvic/GYN Ultrasound with Transvaginal | $255

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This is a transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound used to image the uterus, endometrium, bilateral ovaries and adnexal areas.

This exam is not to be used for pregnancy related needs.

Echocardiogram | $385

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam will be read by a Board Certified Cardiologist.

This exam is used to visualize the heart, the four chambers, valves, walls, and the associated blood vessels (aorta, arteries, veins).

Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) | $100

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam is used to make a recording of the electrical activity of the heart.

During this exam electrodes are placed on the skin of the chest in a specific order and during a short interval, the electrical activity of the heart is recorded and evaluated.

Renal | $225

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam includes imaging of both kidneys and the bladder.

Misc. Small Parts/Soft Tissue | $175

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This ultrasound exam is used to image a mass felt in the superficial tissue, located anywhere on the body.

Testicular | $225

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam evaluates the scrotum and testes.

Thyroid | $200

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam includes imaging of the thyroid and isthmus.

Venous Doppler | $270

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam evaluates the venous blood system of a single extremity, upper or lower, that has symptoms for a blood clot.

Bilateral Venous Doppler | $330

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam evaluates the venous blood system of both extremities, upper or lower, that has symptoms for a blood clot.

Download the Diagnostic Order Form

If you are a referring physician or midwife, please download the diagnostic order forms below.