Diagnostic OB Imaging & Exams

First Trimester Viability | $95

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician.

6 to 13 weeks, fetal heart rate.

Unlimited 2D pictures uploaded to BabyFlix.

First Trimester Complete | $120

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

6 to 13 weeks, fetal heart rate, fetal measurements (CRL, YS, GS).

Unlimited 2D pictures uploaded to BabyFlix.

Second Trimester Limited OB | $140

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This study can be conducted between 13-18 weeks gestation or after an anatomy and morphology scan has been performed to recheck previous findings. This 2nd-trimester limited ultrasound cannot be performed in place of an anatomy and morphology exam.

Second Trimester Level 2 Fetal Anatomy Exam | $195

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This study can be conducted at 20 weeks gestation or later. This exam is used to determine fetal size and due date. This exam includes evaluation for uterine, placental, and fetal abnormalities. This exam also evaluates the fetal weight, position, and amniotic fluid index.

Gender verification can be conducted during this exam.

Third Trimester Limited OB | $140

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This study is used in the third trimester. This exam is used to determine fetal size and due date. This exam may include placental evaluation as ordered by Midwife or Physician. This exam also evaluates the fetal weight, position, and amniotic fluid index.

Gender verification can be conducted during this exam.

Follow Up Exam | $140

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam

This study can be used for placental evaluation for placenta previa, and other Physician and Midwife ordered follow up exams.

Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) | $140

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam is used to determine the amniotic fluid index (amount of amniotic fluid present) at any time during the pregnancy.

Biophysical Profile (without NST) | $175

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

A Biophysical profile (BPP) is a prenatal ultrasound used to evaluate the health and well-being of the fetus during pregnancy, usually in the third trimester. The ultrasound is conducted using a scoring system. The ultrasound includes monitoring of fetal heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing and AFI. Non-Stress Test is not included.

Biophysical Profile with Measurements (without NST) | $200

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

A Biophysical profile (BPP) is a prenatal ultrasound used to evaluate the health and well-being of the fetus during pregnancy, usually in the third trimester. The ultrasound is conducted using a scoring system. The ultrasound includes monitoring of fetal heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing and AFI. NST is not included.

Fetal measurements are included in this package.

Cervical Length | $140.00

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam is used to measure the cervical length. This can also be used for measurement of placental edge to cervical edge, to rule out placental previa.

Placenta Evaluation | $140.00

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

This exam is used to determine the location, size, and health of the placenta at any time during the pregnancy.

Transvaginal Ultrasound | $50

This exam requires an order from a Midwife or Physician. The order must be presented before or at the time of the exam.

Exam option added to transabdominal studies.

We do NOT offer the option for a transvaginal ultrasound without the transabdominal portion. It must be added to a transabdominal study.

Download the Diagnostic Order Form

If you are a referring physician or midwife, please download the diagnostic order forms below.